Head Teacher

Song Sokun

My name is Sokun. I was born in Chikreng District, which is about 50 km from Siem Reap town. My family was extremely poor, but still, my dad tried his best to get me and my siblings to finish university.  

It was extremely hard we worked to get an education. We went to the local government school, but we were struggling with all the things that were essential for us to study.  

Thanks to my brother, I could continue to study at University. To pay for my university tuition fees, I worked as a teaching assistant, foreign language program director, and an English teacher. 

I joined REACH to help underprivileged kids and families. I aim to teach children from poor backgrounds, shaping them into positive contributors to society. My dream is to start an NGO in my village, providing English education and opportunities for all children to thrive.  

Meet More Of Our Team

Cheng Sovannalang

School Administrator