Education Manager

Sok Mardy

My name is Sok Mardy, and I was born in Siem Reap province.  

I got a fully funded sponsorship from a local NGO. It inspired me to become a teacher in another NGO. I also loved volunteering, and working with children, and giving back to the local community. Besides, I was volunteering teaching English at Thai University when I was pursuing my Master’s degree. I found that teaching is a valuable work for me. These are why I am in the education field.  

After I graduated from my University in Thailand, I was given the chance to work with Emily at REACH. This has enabled me to help impoverished children and families, something I am very passionate about. I am so thrilled to be working with the REACH team here, everyone is positive, cooperative, helpful, and has a good heart to make a positive impact in the community. 

Meet More Of Our Team

Cheng Sovannalang

School Administrator