Mechanic & Cycling Support

Sean Sey

My name is Sean Sey. I have 4 siblings including me. When I was young, I felt like an orphan, because I was far away from my parents and had to live with my grandparents.  

To complete my study, I restarted my studies again from grade 1 until grade 6. After that in 2016, I went to study at Siem Reap City in grade 7 at Rajabo Buddhist High School until I finished grade 12 in 2021.  

I was an intern at JWOC for REACH for 6 months. I’ve learned communication skills, fixed bicycles, and supported their students in the REACH Repair Shop program. It has allowed me to see this side of the shop and empower and motivate my team members and students. But I’m a staff member of REACH now!  

In the future, I want to be an English teacher. Because it’s my dream. 

Meet More Of Our Team

Cheng Sovannalang

School Administrator