Chea Kosal

Kosal Headshot


Born in Siem Reap into an impoverished family and having first learn English at a pagoda, Kosal is now a successful landlord and has an excellent rapport with expats and locals alike. As the volunteer Khmer Director, Kosal has been heavily involved in the planning and establishment of REACH as a local NGO. Kosal is passionate about his role at REACH due to his dedication to improve the lives of families in need in Cambodia. He believes in bridging the gap between rich and poor by ensuring that all children, no matter their background, are able to attend school. 

In the future, he hopes for the youth at REACH to become great role models for others in the community. He believes that with involvement and encouragement from their parents, in addition to their teachers, our students will have the opportunity to fulfil their dreams.

Kosal is living proof that through hard work and determination, a bright and positive future is attainable for all Khmer people. With a love for giving back, Kosal is volunteering his time to REACH and is a wonderful example model to all at our cause.