Strengthening Our Foundation: The Governance of Reach Siem Reap 

By Daniel Copsey

As the Chairman of the Board for REACH Siem Reap since mid-2023, and a committed member of its advisory board since 2022, I’ve had the unique privilege of witnessing and contributing to the evolution of an organization that is close to my heart. My journey with REACH spans over five plus years, a period during which I’ve seen firsthand the transformative impact of our work on the communities in Siem Reap. 

In this blog, I want to delve into the governance structure of REACH Siem Reap, explain the function of our international Advisory Board, and celebrate the invaluable support of the board that has been pivotal in navigating the organization through its mission. 

Governance Structure at Reach Siem Reap 

At REACH, our governance structure is designed to ensure transparency, accountability, and effectiveness in all we do. It’s a framework that allows us to make informed decisions, guide the organisation’s strategic direction, and oversee the implementation of our projects and programs. This structure is not just about checks and balances; it’s about fostering a culture of collaboration, innovation, and continuous improvement. 

The Role of the International Advisory Board 

Since joining the advisory board in 2022 and taking on the role of Chairman in 2023, I’ve seen the critical role this board plays in shaping the organisation’s future. Our International Advisory Board consists of professionals from diverse backgrounds, each bringing unique insights, expertise, and perspectives to the table. This diversity is our strength, allowing us to approach challenges with a holistic view and devise solutions that are both innovative and practical. 

The function of the Advisory Board is multifaceted. We provide strategic advice, help in networking and partnerships, and ensure that Reach’s operations align with its mission and values. We’re also actively involved in fundraising, advocacy, and promoting the organisation’s work to a global audience. 

Celebrating Our Board’s Support 

It’s essential to acknowledge the unwavering support and dedication of our board members. Their commitment goes beyond just attending meetings and making decisions. They are deeply involved in our initiatives, often volunteering their time and resources to support our programs on the ground. Their belief in the power of education and empowerment drives them to go above and beyond, ensuring that REACH Siem Reap can continue to make a significant impact. 

One of the board’s pivotal roles is spearheading our two major fundraising initiatives: the annual Ride to REACH event and the Match Grant Heroes campaign. These events not only serve as vital financial lifelines for our projects but also embody the spirit of communal effort and generosity. 

Advisory Board Member, Maurice Moynihan joining in on breaktime games at REACH concluding our 2024 Ride to REACH event.

The Ride to REACH is a testament to the power of collective action – cyclists come together to traverse the breathtaking landscapes of Cambodia, raising funds and awareness for our cause. This inspiring event not only garners financial support but also brings to light the realities and dreams of the communities we serve. 

Match Grant Heroes, on the other hand, is a dynamic campaign that maximizes the impact of donations through matching grants. This initiative not only doubles the generosity of our donors but also fuels the sustainability of programs such as our computer literacy initiative, amplifying their reach and efficacy. 

These flagship events have been instrumental in not just sustaining but also expanding the educational opportunities for the youth of Siem Reap, allowing us to continue providing them with the crucial skills needed in today’s world. 

Looking Forward 

International Advisory Board Member, Ian Hayllor, joining our Kindergarten students during their painting activity.

As we look to the future, the role of our governance structure and the Advisory Board will continue to be critical. With the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, our collective leadership, expertise, and passion will be key to navigating the future and achieving our mission. 

I am incredibly proud of what we’ve accomplished together and even more excited about what the future holds. The journey of REACH Siem Reap is a remarkable one, made possible by the dedication of our team, the support of our donors and partners, and the invaluable guidance of our board. 

To our supporters, I want to extend my heartfelt thanks. Your trust and belief in our work empower us to continue making a difference. Together, we are not just reaching for change; we are creating it. 

In closing, I look forward to continuing this journey, bolstered by a strong governance structure, an active and engaged Advisory Board, and the collective efforts of everyone involved with Reach Siem Reap. Here’s to many more years of making a positive impact, together. 

The REACH International Advisory Board team of professional volunteers who offer their skills, advocacy and ongoing support regarding financial expenditure. This special team of volunteers oversee our policies and ensure ethical governance. Each board member excels in their own professional field, but have taken the time from their personal commitments to support and govern our cause. Each and every member shares the common goal of helping those less fortunate.

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